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Cancer Connections Toronto Book Launch, April 12 2011
The Toronto (Canada) book launch of Cancer Connections: Images of Hope and Courage from Across Canada, took place the evening of April 12, 2011 at the First Canadian Place Gallery.
Cancer Connections, spearheaded by PhotoSensitive, featured partners in the project: Canadian Cancer Society, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., JPMorgan Chase as well as contributing photographers and cancer survivors.
The 192 page book features 1000 photographs and the written words of Canadians touched by cancer.
Rick Perciante, National Vice President, External Engagement, Canadian Cancer Society (above right) speaks during the event. © Dean Oros
Cancer Connections, spearheaded by PhotoSensitive, featured partners in the project: Canadian Cancer Society, John Wiley and Sons Ltd., JPMorgan Chase as well as contributing photographers and cancer survivors.
The 192 page book features 1000 photographs and the written words of Canadians touched by cancer.
Rick Perciante, National Vice President, External Engagement, Canadian Cancer Society (above right) speaks during the event. © Dean Oros